Mask Your IP

Using Our Fast & Secure VPN

With IP Mask VPN you are safe and limitless. Mask your IPs within 3 steps. No technical knowledge is required. IP Mask is available for all devices. Sign up, install, and press connect.

Mask your IP

Hide your IP address

Unlimited Bandwidth

Get unlimited bandwidth

24/7 customer support

We’re always here for you.

Block All Tracking Cookies and keep you Anonymous

IP Mask VPN funnels your internet connection through an encrypted tunnel, making your activity private. By connecting you to one of our secure, remote servers, our IP Mask VPN software masks your true IP address and physical location. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, IP Mask VPN is simple and safe to use. 

With IP Mask VPN you will be able to become ghost over web. Take a look to see which plans fits your needs.

Pricing Plan

Easy Pricing Plans

With IP Mask VPN, you’ll have exclusive access to all the benefits of the strongest VPN in the industry. Take a look to see which plan fits your needs:

Monthly Single Device

$ 9.99 Month
  • Secure High-Speed VPN
  • Malware Protection
  • Tracker & Ads Blocker
  • IP Masking
  • Email Support

Annually Single Device

$ 99.99 Year
  • Secure High-Speed VPN
  • Malware Protection
  • Tracker & Ads Blocker
  • IP Masking
  • Email Support
  • 24x7 Phone Support

Annually 3 Devices

$ 199.99 Year
  • Secure High-Speed VPN
  • Malware Protection
  • Tracker & Ads Blocker
  • IP Masking
  • Email Support
  • 24x7 Phone Support

Unlimited Devices

$ 299.99 Yearly
  • Secure High-Speed VPN
  • Malware Protection
  • Tracker & Ads Blocker
  • IP Masking
  • Email Support
  • 24x7 Phone Support

Clients Say


A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

About our clients

Feedback from our valuable customers

So fast and super easy to use. It appears to do the job well. My friend who knows computers way better than me recommended this one to me as one touch app is the only VPN he uses and it does all of it does everything for him as soon as he starts his phone he just pushes the button. so I downloaded it ...

Sheryl T. Developer

IP Mask VPN which works effortlessly. I've used it in the past. Ads are not present,  I've never found them overwhelming. Thanks for the great service.

Jacob Weaver Trucking

I’m a long time user for this VPN service, started in 2016 and it’s been working wonders.

Syeda User

Its very good, it helped me install apps that i couldn't before I had this vpn. If you want to install apps in the Google play store you need to clear it's cache and enter Google play with vpn(I reccomend USA if you're not there)

Marc Kline Businessman

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    It's fast, secure and very easy!

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